online counseling

Online Therapy with Clay Cockrell

Online Therapy with Clay Cockrell

Clay lives in New York City, but he’s run his therapy practice from Rome, Aruba, and London as well. He started providing online therapy at the request of clients and made some mistakes early on. Then he learned everything therapists need to know about providing online therapy and started sharing that expertise with the rest of us. Now he runs a directory for people searching for online therapists. Clay has always been an innovator. He’s the founder of walk and talk therapy, the practice of walking outside during sessions. As an innovator, Clay has been out on a limb a few times. In this conversation, he talks about two scary moments in his business and what he learned from each one.

Going Online And Leaving Traditional Therapy Behind With Cara Wilde

Going Online And Leaving Traditional Therapy Behind With Cara Wilde

Cara Wilde did a personal pagan ritual in 2010 and asked for guidance on how to serve her tribe. What she discovered changed her life and her business forever. Now she provides all of her channeling services online, both through an online course and 1:1 sessions. In the clubhouse, Cara talks about how to get closer to your zone of genius in your business and life.