Follow Energy In Your Business With Staci Boden


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Show Notes:

I've been paying attention to my guest's work for probably about 10 years. As soon as I heard her talking about following energy in your life, I was intrigued. It felt deeply right to me. And I also felt like.....well.....I wasn't ready for it yet. I wasn't ready to fully take in her ideas because I was a bit more in push, hustle and suffer mode. I think part of me believed that "following energy" would mean not getting my shit done. I thought maybe following energy would lead me to laziness. As the breadwinner, a sometimes depressed person, and someone with a huge vision, I thought following energy could be risky.

But I kept reading her emails and listening to what she had to say.

I've been noticing that I'm making a bigger impact, including more money, NOT by hustling but by getting into alignment and focusing on the most important things. Lots of my guests, colleagues and clients have been noticing in their businesses too.

And now I'm totally ready for Staci's message. It's right on time.

Staci Boden is a fiercely loving guide, energy healer, facilitator, ceremonialist and author of Turning Dead Ends into Doorways. For over 20 years, she's been teaching people how to follow energy as a way to navigate anxiety, transform codependency and relocate power inside. As a founder of 7Directions, a 19 year-old dance ceremony, Staci also holds 7Directions evenings, ongoing women’s circles, retreat weekends and facilitator trainings across the SF Bay Area and now, globally online.

Let's dive into following energy in your life and business with Staci Boden.


Here's some of what we talked about:

  • Discovering the practice of following energy

  • Deciding not to become a therapist

  • How she follows energy in her business

  • Creating the 7Directions dance ceremony and community

  • Following energy to create the offers in her business

  • Creating a facilitator training

  • Following energy in the pandemic

Here are the takeaways that particularly stand out to me from our conversation.

Takeaway #1:

For Staci, this journey to following energy started showing up as a tingling in her hands. Where does it show up for you?

Takeaway #2:

Part of how Staci decides what to offer in her business is to follow the energy of her participants. One place this happened was with the 7Directions Facilitator training.

"And so people started asking like, Hey, I want to assist, Hey, if you ever do a facilitator training, I want to be a part of it."

Takeaway #3:

Following energy means letting go of what no longer serves us. When I apply that to business, I see so many of you walking through that transition of letting go of the parts of your business that aren't the right thing any longer.

Takeaway #4:

Online work can be meaningful and effective. One of my favorite things about the year 2020 is how many incredible healers came into the online space and changed it forever. Staci had already worked online some, and during the pandemic she's brought every part of her services online and has found some benefits to clients she hadn't expected.

"What I am witnessing is how versatile online, online groups can be, how meaningful they can be, how they ask us, especially in ceremony, to develop another level of our inner authority really helps us challenge our co-dependence."

More From Staci:

Book: Turning Dead Ends Into Doorways, by Staci Boden

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