FREE Course: Create A Blog For Your Therapy Practice

blog for therapy practice

Blogging is a powerful practice building tool.

You may choose to write a blog because you want to:

  • increase your web traffic
  • convert more potential clients into actual clients
  • share resources
  • help your potential clients get a sense of how you work

A blog can help you accomplish all of that. 

Maybe you’ve decided to write regularly. Perhaps you you’ve even gotten started. 

Many smart and creative therapists have a hard time following through with writing articles. If you’re one of them, I don’t want you to give up.

That’s why I’m offering a free mini online course on blogging for your therapy practice.

I'll share the most common problems therapists deal with when they begin to write articles, and how to move through those problems and keep writing. You'll hear about some of the tricks and tools I use with my own blog. I’ll also share some keys to making your therapy articles engaging rather than just clutter on the Internet.

30-minute audio plus written lesson

I share how to: 

  • get started with blogging
  • create a mission statement for your blog
  • come up with the best topics and titles over and over again
  • make sure your adding value with every article
  • find your blogging voice
  • work through mindset issues (stop freaking out and start writing)

Sign up to get this mini course in your inbox now. 

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